Articles in english
Articles in English by Helle Merete Brix:
Fearless Nahid
By Helle Merete Brix, May, 26., 2010: Nahid Rachlin’s fate became a book, and her autobiography, “Persian Girls: A Memoir”, of course found its way to Helle Merete Brix’s crowded bookshelves. When Brix visited New York recently, she naturally took the opportunity to interview Nahid – a woman who want the most precisely because she had so little to lose. Read more Taslima Nasrins eternal exile By Helle Merete Brix, November, 30, 2009 Taslima Nasrin is a doctor, author, and feminist and born Muslim. But her criticism of Islam has led her out on a terrible journey. Death threats drove her out of Bangladesh; after living briefly in Sweden, France, and the U.S., she relocated in Kolkata in the Indian state of West Bengal, where she was threatened with beheading and where the military had to step in. In New Delhi she spent seven months under house arrest, then moved to New York. Yet through it all, Nasrin has continued to criticize Islam. Her objective is to revise the Koran. In this essay for Human Rights Service, Helle Merete Brix recounts Nasrins journey. Read more
Khomeini and the blindness of the left By Helle Merete Brix, July, 15, 2007 Twenty-seven years ago the Danish historian and former Trotskyist, Torben Hansen was an excited eyewitness to the Iranian Revolution. Today he accuses the European and American Left of having learned nothing from Islamic barbarism. Read more |
Among the believers
By Helle Merete Brix, June 1, 2007 Despite the fact that France’s Union of Islamic Organisations (UOIF) has recently adopted a more moderate rhetoric, the old warlike tone and hatred of the West still lie near the surface. Sappho was the only foreign media to cover the UOIF’s annual conference in Le Bourget. |
The Culture of Fear By Helle Merete Brix. A paper on Islamism in Europe at Reason Foundation’s conference in Amsterdam |
Islamic Extremists and their Western Allies on the offensive against Free Speech in Denmark By Helle Merete Brix, January 3, 2006 Danish Union of Journalists advocates “respectful dialogue” with supporters of death penalty for blasphemy. Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen stands firm against internal and external pressure and refuses to apologise for Muhammad cartoons. |
Jamaat-e-Islami’s Danish Friends By Lars Hedegaard and Helle Merete Brix, December 5, 2005 Jyllands-Posten’s Muhammad cartoons were discussed at a meeting with Kashmiri extremists in Copenhagen in the beginning of October. |
It’s Your Life or Your Thoughts Interview with Ayaan Hirsi Ali By Helle Merete Brix and Lars Hedegaard, November 23, 2005 Ayaan Hirsi Ali nurtures a dream of making a muslim “Life of Brian” with all the juicy details of the prophet Muhammed’s life as a conqueror and womanizer – and if possible in Denmark. All they have to do is call |